• Onstyle


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    I never use to get excited whenever I used to see skirts. Well, mostly because I thought they don’t suit me much – I’m more of a jeans person rather than anything else. But this one left me totally mesmerized. I absolutely love the fabric and the cut and the ruffles of course. I am a huge gingham fan and this one with ruffles was something I couldn’t miss. I have paired this skirt with a ruffled black top (from Zara) and peep toe shoes. This would be a perfect summer party outfit for me because I felt incredibly confident in it. It’s not too girly and in fact its borderline chic.

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    thumb_WCUN1625_1024 WRAPOVER TAKEOVER
    Also, this wasn’t the outfit that I had planned for todays post, but then a trip to H&M happened. I went to the store to exchange something that my husband had bought (I am usually happy with this kind of exchange arrangement. haha) that’s where I saw this skirt and it was on sale. Made my day, quite literally! 😛


  • Onstyle

    Dressing to impress myself!

    7fb4628c-7023-4eb9-a1da-beae1fb74ae7 Dressing to impress myself!

    7fb4628c-7023-4eb9-a1da-beae1fb74ae7 Dressing to impress myself!


    7fb4628c-7023-4eb9-a1da-beae1fb74ae7 Dressing to impress myself!


    7fb4628c-7023-4eb9-a1da-beae1fb74ae7 Dressing to impress myself!7fb4628c-7023-4eb9-a1da-beae1fb74ae7 Dressing to impress myself!

    Who is your inspiration? However cliché that might sound but that’s the question that is genuinely going in my head when I see people with amazing personal style. The beauty of personal style is that it’s personal to each of us. Inspiration is all around and the way we incorporate in our lives/style is what makes us all wonderfully unique.  Speaking of personal style – my addiction for peter pan collars, ruffled sleeves and sweatshirts was inspiration for this outfit. This look is about everything I love! I got this dress from a local brand in Tokyo and I love it, I’m trying to find a similar one here to keep in my shop. Everything else I’m wearing is thrifted. I have been thrift shopping from ages and I’ve always found something that suits my style and budget. Last week I went to shop alone to a mall where two of my favourite stores were recently opened (Forever 21 and H&M). But what I realised after 3 hours of shopping was that I couldn’t find anything that I could relate to. I was really shocked and amazed at myself that in three hours of roaming in these two stores – all I bought was a pair of socks. I’m stuck with thrift shopping for life! 😀

    Until next time!
