• Onstyle

    Why do you make the choices you make?

    Hello Everyone!

    Hope to find you in the best of spirits! Today I want to write about personal style.
    I believe style is a form of your self-expression! Why do we choose to buy the clothes we buy? What makes you feel you – you!? Because we have the freedom to dress anyway we please I do believe that our clothes reflect our character. You can dress up the way you want to ‘BE’. I usually decide to dress up the way I am feeling on a particular day. These pictures pretty much cover my personal style, clothes that I feel are me. I keep juggling between these different looks and I love mixing vintage with modern. So what is your personal style? Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?

    wpid-download-8 Why do you make the choices you make?


  • Lifeinpictures

    The way I see it.

    it’s getting cold here and trust me i’m not liking it, though the days are pretty warm and crisp! i went for my first frisbee game last weekend and we played in a school ground. i loved the garden of the school, here are few pictures.

    dsc_0503 The way I see it. dsc_0503 The way I see it. dsc_0503 The way I see it. dsc_0503 The way I see it. dsc_0503 The way I see it. dsc_0503 The way I see it.

    dsc_0503 The way I see it.dsc_0503 The way I see it.dsc_0503 The way I see it.

    hope you have a nice warm weekend!
    i hope to spend the majority of mine outside before it gets too cold.