• Musings


    such_great_heights_by_applesrevenge1 GREAT HEIGHTS

    Hi guys! How are you? It’s September. SEPTEMBER! There is going to be a lot on my plate in another couple of months. A lot of stress, a lot of work, lots of decisions to make and I can feel the knot of worry inside my stomach all the time. Though I haven’t had my ‘claustrophobic’ moment yet, I don’t even know what I should call it… I’m sure it’s gonna hit me soon and I will start realizing my life wont be the same any more. I won’t be as carefree as I am now. I will be responsible so many things, people, building new relationships and creating new memories etc etc.. I’m sure I will cherish these moments and I look forward to them with all positivity.

    It sure is funny and scary at the same time – but this is what we do, we move. We try and we explore. I’m constantly aware of the lost opportunities and lack of progression in my personal and professional life and that is what I want to focus on.

    I want to surround myself with people who are good to me – both professionally and personally. People who can bring out the best in me.

    Be around creative people – interact more in person.

    Understand and know what it means to become a good wife, a part of a good marriage – at least most of the time.

    Take endless photos

    Spend wisely.

    More small adventures

    Stay physically active –everyday.

    I feel I’m in such strange limbo right now where I don’t know what’s next for my world or what will I do or not do. I feel better not knowing.

    Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend people!


  • Lifeinpictures


    autumn-quotes-49 OH! AUTUMN – YOU ARE SO PERFECT!

    This weather always entices longing and a desire of beautiful bright days in me. Mornings are cool, afternoons are warm and evenings are beautiful. While this mother nature goes through a massive movement, I begin to experience past phases that were beautiful with a longing to see them again. I start to feel all the voices so clear in my mind – they make me terribly happy, but a part of me doesn’t want to feel them again.

    I long for living with my parents and my brother and how few things were in past 2 years. It’s amazing how I can feel so much gratitude and void at the same time that it brings tears to my eyes. This season brings opportunities for me to long, to remember, to be thankful and to create space for present moments and new memories. This time of the year helps me to relive moments from the past and wonder what is yet to come. Transitions are both happy and sad, for me they have been mostly sad. But I thank for what it was and what it is and just for the fact that it happened.

    I wonder why these months bring so much happiness and sadness at the same time! To me, it’s the best time of the year. It’s not too hot and not too cold. The sky looks beautiful, tress look happy – it’s just so magical!
