• Talk with the Beauties


    Ta da! Summertime and silly season cheer has certainly taken over and I hope you are enjoying it all. I’m back with my favourite ‘Talk with the Beauties’ post and this time it’s all about Apurva Lama from Appycat Street (you might wanna bookmark this). I found her on Instagram and I’m a big fan of her work. She is probably one of the coolest people I follow on Instagram (and she likes yoga, arctic monkeys, oasis, RHCP – I mean how could I not!?) and I was really happy and excited when she said yes to become a part of this series. I hope you enjoy this! 🙂

    screen-shot-2017-02-22-at-12-00-23-pm MEET APURVA FROM 'APPYCAT STREET'

    1.   Can you me a little about what you do other than blogging and what kind of things do you enjoy the most? (these need not to be fashion related, about life in general)

    When I’m not blogging, you’ll normally find me working on the website – Appycat Street which I’m planning to launch very soon. These days I’m investing a lot of time in it, reading up on how websites work, SEO and trying to sort out the process. Other than that, the things I enjoy are : reading, listening to music, long walks and of course yoga. I also enjoy art and craft, so I’m glued to YouTube DIY tutorials.

    2.   Would you like to give me a sneak-peak on what to expect from your upcoming website? I am also interested in knowing how did you come up with the name AppyCat? (I love it, but Im also         curious to know)

    The website is going to be a content driven fashion/lifestyle platform. The exciting part is that it is also going to have a SHOP section with my label, Appycat Street. Appycat Street is a streetstyle label with exclusive capsule collections encapsulating the latest trends with unique pieces.
    Well, the name, if you will, is absolutely random and a little funny if you ask me. I started blogging way back in college around 6 years back or more. I feel getting the right name for your blog is the hardest part and I spent days trying to find the perfect name. Appy is my nick name and I used to use the word “cat” a lot in my writings when I referred to myself. For instance, I would randomly caption my images “I bought a new shoe, I’m such a happy cat.”. Hence, Appycat! :P. It sounded catchy and I went along with it. I never thought I would stick to the name for so many years, but here I am. Some people don’t even know my real name now, they just call me Appycat haha.

    screen-shot-2017-02-22-at-12-00-23-pm MEET APURVA FROM 'APPYCAT STREET'

    3.   From your Instagram profile –  I realise that you like art in general. I see that element in your photography, editing, your videos – how did it all started? Where do you get your inspiration from? 

    Yes, I do love art – in every form. I feel like there is art everywhere around us, from the clothes we wear, the way we style our hair to the furniture we use…just about everything. If you look at everything like it’s the most beautiful piece of art you have ever laid your eyes on, then you’ll find inspiration just about anywhere and everywhere. I find inspiration in the people I meet, the conversations I have, long walks, random thoughts and objects. If you keep an open mind and look carefully, inspiration will find you instead.

    4.   A few days back you posted a picture of your dad’s band in the 70s. (coolest thing ever!) Their clothes were as awesome as their haircut. It reminded me of the Ramones somehow. I’d love to        know more about the band. What kind of music they were into, what were there influences and their style inspiration of course. 🙂

    Ah yes. Back in the 60s and 70s, Darjeeling (my hometown) was very big on Rock n Roll and music in general. It was then known as the Rock Capital of India and western music travelled from there across the rest of the country. My dad was in one of the few rock bands of the time. They were called The Forbidden Fruit. They were highly influenced by Bad Company, Fleetwood Mac, Smokie, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and these band were huge influences in terms of style too.

    screen-shot-2017-02-22-at-12-00-23-pm MEET APURVA FROM 'APPYCAT STREET'

    5.   I totally love your style –  I think it’s on point, always! Any tips? 

    Thank you so much. Try to bend the rules of fashion and experiment. Be creative when you dress up, I guess that has always been my motto. Sometimes unusual combinations makes the best ensembles. And always always be comfortable!

    6.   From whatever I’ve seen on your Instagram – I really like your music choices. Being a huge music geek myself, I’d love to know your top 5 bands. 

    Music plays an important role in my life. My top 5 fav, in particular order, are:
    – Oasis
    – Arctic Monkeys
    – Bon Iver
    – The Strokes
    – Red Hot Chilli Peppers

    screen-shot-2017-02-22-at-12-00-23-pm MEET APURVA FROM 'APPYCAT STREET'

    7.    Lastly, any thoughts about Indian fashion scene in general? Any tips you would like to give to upcoming bloggers?

    The fashion industry in India is catching up but still slow in terms of trends. There is still a very small segment of people who are in-tune with the trends all over the world. I understand not everyone is interested in the latest trends but when it comes to personal style too, there is a slight delay and an air of nonchalance. I feel like we are too scared to experiment, try new things, scared that we might be stared at…so we normally play it safe and wear the same thing we have been for the past so many years. That being said, there are brands and labels coming up in the Indian fashion scene who are challenging the status quo and it’s such a welcome change.
    It’s great to see so many fashion bloggers coming up. My only advice to them would be: Be true to your personal style. Have a unique personal style and philosophy for blogging. Because styling beats branding, any day. It’s important to follow trends but don’t let trends dictate your style. Don’t strive for high end glossy photos, be raw, be you and be unapologetic about it. That’s what blogging is all about. 🙂

    Follow Apurva on Instagram 


    Until next time!

  • Music

    Musical Fridays -Current Favourite British Band!

    This past month has been extremely musical for me. Its been a month of Arctic Monkeys. I came across this band a couple of years back via Gonzo with Alexa Chung. Honestly I wouldn’t have paid much attention to the band if Alexa wasn’t dating Arctic Monkeys lead singer Alex Turner. Alexa sure has good taste in clothes but even better men and music! So apart from the hit songs of the band I’ve been listening to their other songs as well. Been listening to them over and over again. SO BLOODY GOOD!! I think it’s the only band after Green Day I’ve been addicted to like crazies. If you are already an Arctic Monkeys fan, I’d love some recommendations. If you haven’t heard of the band before, here’s a little treat for your ears!

    arctic-monkeys1 Musical Fridays -Current Favourite British Band!

    In no order –

    1. Do I wanna know
    2. I wanna be yours
    3. Reckless Serenade
    4. Fluorescent Adolescent
    5. Why’d you only call when you are high

    I also love Standing next to me by Alex Turner and Miles Kane (former co-frontman of The Last Shadow Puppets and a short lived band The Rascals). Miles and Alex are best buddies and it shows in their live performances. I hope they make more music together and I hope you guys enjoy this music!

    P.S – Not a Drake fan, but you have to check Hold on, We’re going home cover by Arctic Monkeys! Better than the original! It’s fucking cool and gosh Alex’s voiceeeee and sunglasses and hair and shirttt <3