• Music

    Musical Fridays

    Hi there! This is a new category on the blog.  I will be posting my top 5 songs every alternate Friday! I am huge music lover! I start and end my day with it. It lifts me up and helps me heal – it does pretty much everything for me. So, I have been listening to mostly rock/punkrock/ alternative rock/ old bollywood/sufi music- all my life. But now I feel more inclined towards classic rock and electronic/indie (super shocked at myself) music. My brother introduced me to this really cool playlist and I have been loving it. Such great music! Here are my top 5 songs from that list!

    musical-fridays Musical Fridays

    1. Nightcall – Kavinsky
    2. Loud places – Jamie xx
    3. Talisman – Air
    4. Gosh– Jamie xx
    5. Sexy boy – Air

    Until next time!
